
Nu var lämplig tidpunkt för den årliga landskapsvården med hjälp av gräsbränning av dikesrenar. En aprildag med svag vind med tydlig riktning och förhållandevis torrt gräs. Man eldar alltid mot vinden för att minsta risk för spridning. Det kommer att bli fint här snart, frodigt grönt med en fin flora längs vägen.

Mer om gräsbränning för kulturarvsflorans bevarande.

2 reaktioner till “Naturvårdsbränning

  1. In the north of Sweden where I was born, it´s not a normal treating of fields either.
    But burning grass in meadows and pastures has a long history in Sweden. Burning as a management method was particularly widespread in southwest Sweden’s heather moors, but also in other parts of the country and in other types of land, fire has been used to keep land in good condition. Today, burning is no longer part of ordinary agricultural operations. Burning has also received attention as an alternative care method in lands where there are no grazing animals or where mowing is no longer possible.

    The burning was/is used to improve the grazing vegetation and to get rid of unwanted woody plants. Burning benefit the biological diversity of the agricultural landscape.

    Gillad av 1 person

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